Aaron Ramirez
Full name:
Aaron Ramírez Valencia
Playa la Saladita, Mexico
Where do you currently live?
Playa la Saladita
What’s your favorite local surf spot?
I like to surf right out at the point at Saladita
Favorite surf spot in the world?
“The Ranch” by my hometown
Favorite trick?
My favorite trick is hanging ten
What is your favorite board?
I like longboards, my current noserider by Jose is my favorite
What kind of music do you listen to?
I mostly listen to Reggae
Where do you work?
I work at Villa Jacqueline by my house
What are your favorite movies/TV shows?
My favorite movies are all of the Marvel movies
How did you start surfing?
My aunt threw me into the sea and got me started with surfing
What are some of your other hobbies (that aren’t surfing)?
I like Soccer and Crossfit
What was your first board?
The board I first learned on was a fish
Who is your favorite professional surfer?
Kai Lenny
If you could go surfing with one person, it would be…
Kani Tsunami (Kaniela Stewart)
If you could go surfing anywhere, it would be…